Ishikawa Prefectural Library – Lobby sofas


Sofa for open shelf space 1-1
Sofa for open shelf space 3-4
Custom specification for tanalo
Small triangle sofa
Large triangle sofa
Articulated sofa for 2F
Row of sofas for 2F

ookura hideki (KUROME photo studio)
Mitsumasa Fujitsuka (helico)

<Open Shelf Space 1-1 Sofa>
A circular sofa is placed around the pedestal of the exhibition “Scenes and Life of Ishikawa’s Ocean, Town, and Mountains,” which is located at the center of the North Entrance Hall.

The pedestal is made of OSB, which is created by pressing wood pieces together, giving it strength and texture. It is finished with a richly colored dye that adds visual stability to it. The sofa is arranged in a radial pattern, with the Kaga Gosai colors indicating the directions.

<Triangular Sofa Small & Large>
These sofas take advantage of the triangular surplus spaces at the ends of the bookshelves. They come in two sizes, large and small, and are available in colors that match the zones.

<Second Floor Connecting Sofa>
Installed along the main straight corridor on the second floor, these sofas consist of pairs of three seats facing opposite directions. The four Kaga Gosai colors used for directions are applied to the backrests, and the sofas are arranged so that the color of the seat’s backrest matches the color of the zone visible in front of it. Additionally, the design has been cleverly shaped to allow for a layout change during events, where the seats can be reversed and aligned in the same direction.